Thursday 9 June 2016

Story Telling

Some of our 2nd YEAR ESO students love creating their own short stories and role plays.
We have selected a few, both original and adaptations.

A job interview.

Mariona thinks that she has found the perfect job for her. But Tiomana's requirements are truly difficult to meet.
Don't worry, nobody was injured while filming this video.

 Shopping stress

Laura loves going shopping but sometimes she has to be very careful as Mar seems eager to make her pay more than she has to.


 The Mall

Teenagers love clothes and some spend a lot of time and money getting theirs.
Sentosa and Ariadna have different tastes as far as fashion is concerned but both are very very stylish ladies.

Traditional Tale.

Are there any small children in the family?
Do you have problems when bedtime approaches?
Maybe Mar and Alex can help you with that.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

A Risky Situation


Our 2nd Year ESO student Mariona Reig tells us about a dangerous situation she was involved in.

An animal lover, Mariona and her horse "Fuste" lived the experience of a lifetime while on a ride around the equestrian centre.


Listen to the story from the "horse's mouth".