Tuesday 12 July 2011

The world outside

Now, you will be soon leaving the school. It will the time to make big decisions, whether to continue with your studies or stop and try to find a job.

How can you find out what’s best for you?

In pairs or groups of three complete the following tasks:

1.- The school organises talks by people who have just finished the college education and others that are already working.
Join as many as you can and prepare a summary of the one you’ve found more interesting.

2.- Interview people in different professional fields  and find out about  the qualifications required, the career prospects, the social demand for their services, their working conditions and their degree of satisfaction.
We advise you to both talk to college graduates as well as other who opted for vocational studies (Cicles Formatius).
Collect the information and prepare your conclusions.

Later, you will have to submit all this information orally in front of your classmates.

The News

Get to know what's going on inside and outside Narcís Oller, Valls and the Alt Camp.

Have you ever stopped to think that what happens near us also takes place somewhere else around the globe?

In pairs or groups of three find related pieces of news which portray this fact.

Now, follow Melissa's advice at "Reporting News" and prepare your own presentation.


In such a big school as Narcís Oller not everything is just about lessons and exams.

There are many other activities and projects you may even have never heard of.

We want you to learn more about them and the best way to do it is straight from the horse's mouth.

Here you have a few of those:

* “Mediació” service (Conflict resolution commitee)
* The school choir
* NO-TEEN: Our English magazine 
* Escoles verdes (Green schools project)
* Treball de recerca (Research Project at Batxillerat)
* Solar Energy (Renewable energy sources)
* AMPA (Parents association)
* Tutoria (Student progress assessment service)
* ERASMUS PROJECT: Exchange to Sweden
* Treball d'excel·lència (High performace project)
* Sport at school (Project to introduce other sports in the school activity)
* Canteen service (Meals adapted to everyone’s needs)
* Janitors/Caretakers
* E.A.P (Psichological and paedagogic support service) 
* SIEI (Special Education Support Unit)
* Vocational Studies
* Career Counselling Service (Coordinació Batxillerat)
* Servei Comunitari (Community Service) at 3rd Year ESO
* Drama at NO

In pairs, find those members of our community who are in charge of these programmes and projects and interview them. Follow your teacher's instructions.

Controversial Issues

Every society, no matter how many members it has, organises itself through a set of rules.

Our school is no different from any other social structure. We have our regulations, which deal with a range of issues.

Here you have a list containing some of them and related topics which tend to be controversial outside school.

* Smoking (Ban in enclosed areas)

* Timetable structure (Lunch break? Yes or no)

* Mobile phones at school (Misused, disruptive and intrusive)

* Digital books (Vs Paper books)

* Uniforms (the importance of personal appearance)

* Single-sex school (Social difference by gender)

* Disruptive behaviour (vandalism and hooliganism)

* Migration (Integration, adaptation, mixed cultures and changes in society)

* Inclusion (Handicapped people in modern society)

* Automatic promotion (faked success, easy fame and the value of true effort)

Of course, not everyone agrees with the status quo and there are always voices who disagree.

Your task this time will be a debate.

Choose one of the topics above and with 3 more partners follow your teacher's instructions.

CV-Get to know your classmates

This is the model with instructions of the first oral activity in our project.

This version will help you complete your partner's CV.
You will receive an empty form in word format via email so that you can fill in your personal information.
All forms will be then hung up around the classroom and you will have to pick one belonging to someone you have never met/studied with before.
Your teacher will instruct you on how to get the rest of the information.
Our advice is that you should interview your classmate so as to be able to learn the missing details.
You should also ask him/her to give you some pictures to illustrate your future oral presentation (ie. Power Point format).
Remember oral presentation are assessed both contentwise (accuracy, fluency and so forth) and formally (body language, Power Point, etc).

A Very Important Remark:
Presentations cannot be read. 
You can use your classmate's form to help you through your task BUT only if it has been filled in with key words, not sentences.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Burlington listening activities

Here you have a link to Burlington Books. This offers you an incredible amount of listening material for first and second year Batxillerat. Do not hesitate to  visit this website in order to get some extra practice.


Picture Gallery

1.- Other cultures

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
 coexist     globalization       racism      emigration / immigration
underdeveloped         respect     tolerance     foreigner  uprooted

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photographed in it?
2.- Do you think people are interested in people from other cultures? Why?   Why not?
3.- What reasons may people have  to leave their country?
4.- Is it possible to talk about backward cultures and advanced cultures? Why? Why not?
5.- Why do people sometimes reject those who belong to other cultures?
6.- Is the mixing of cultures positive or negative? Explain.
7.-The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

2.- Integration

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

multiculturalism     citizenship      labour market       cultural integration
 ethnic / religious discrimination       mentally / physically handicapped     
human rights         be  discriminated / left out  

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What are the reasons why sometimes it is difficult to be integrated in a new society?
3.- Are there places in the world where it is easier to become integrated than in others?
4.- Should immigrants be treated equally or differently from the native people? To what an extent?
5.- The rights and responsibilities of immigrants : working, voting, paying taxes, public health services...
6.- What can help immigrants to feel integrated in a new society?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

3.- Safety measures
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

 adopt measures      reduce risk      hazard     accident prevention   power failure     emergency  evacuation drill     emergency exit     fire hose     fire extinguisher         

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Is it necessary and / or useful to carry out evacuation drills periodically?
3.- Have you ever taken part in one? What do you think could be improved?
4.- Is it important to be prepared for emergencies in today’s society?
5.- What are the highest risks in relation to emergencies  in our area?
6.- Do you think the present safety measures would protect us in case of a real emergency?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

4.- Spreading the news - Communication

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box: 

 journalist   reporter  broadcast   tabloids   yellow press   gossip   mass media   censorship   interview     media ownership    press on the net      media bias     new technologies

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- In general terms in what ways has communication changed over time?
3.- In the present world, what information sources can be trusted?
4.- What is the power of mass media nowadays?
5.- When you want to be informed about a particular issue, what media do you turn to?
6.- What are the media mostly used by teenagers?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

5.- Politics

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

political system   politician election  democracy   monarchy   dictatorship   federalism   sovereignty    ideology     political party / campaign     government     corruption

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What  do you think is the best political system? Why?
3.- What is the young people’s attitude towards politics generally speaking?
4.- Why do you think people are disenchanted with politics?
5.- What do you think of the demonstrations against globalisation and economic power?
6.- What should be the role of politicians?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

6.- Natural resources

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

  the  natural environment   renewable / non-renewable  energy   wind farm     wind power    solar energy   depletion of resources    fossil fuels   water power   geothermal energy

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Why is it important to exploit natural resources  sensibly?
3.- What are the dangers of misusing natural resources?
4.- In what sense are alternative energies important to preserve natural resources?
5.- What is the aim of  the “Green Schools” project?
6.- In what way is education important to make people aware of the proper use of natural resources?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

7.- Recycling
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

greenhouse effect    global warming    sustainable development    incineration  
rubbish dump   pollution    waste materials    recycling bin     bottle/paper bank

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Is recycling  modern?
3.- Why is recycling necessary?
4.- What are the three Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle)?
5.- Discuss the statement: everything can be recycled.
6.- What relationship is there between recycling and saving energy?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

8.- Narcís Oller

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

literary genre      style       novel      realism      naturalism      romanticism
 (jocs florals)  poetry festival        homage          distinguished son

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Who was Narcís Oller?
3.- Why has he gone down in history?
4.- What is / are his best-known novels? What is / are they about?
5.- Has any of his novels been brought to the screen?
6.- Did he influence other novelists or artists? In what way?
7.- What can we find in Valls that reminds us of his importance?
9.- Catalonia

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

 autonomous community    Statute of autonomy   anthem  defeat
 political controversy    federalism    sovereignty    nationalism     

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- In general terms,  how would you describe Catalonia to someone who has never read or heard anything about it?
3.- Name some of the points of view referring to the relationship between Catalonia and Spain.
4.- What is “La Diada”? What does it commemorate?
5.- What are some of the most representative traditions of Catalonia?
6.- Name some outstanding Catalan people and say what they are famous for.
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

10.- Imported traditions

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

long-stablished traditions     religious    pagan    consumerism     marketing     globalization      foreign / from abroad            preserve one’s traditions

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What are the most common imported traditions/ celebrations?
3.- What are the main causes why people begin to celebrate new / foreign festivals?
4.- Do you think the present day consumer society has something to do with the subject? Why?
5.- Do you think that the traditions from your country should be preserved? Why? Why not?
6.- Can traditions become old-fashioned, obsolete? Explain.
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

                                                                                        11.- Disabilities

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
respect   mentally / physically handicapped    (walk on) crutches accessibility    wheelchair   architectural barriers    integration    human rights   be discriminated / left out     inclusive school    
1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.-  What are some of the disadvantages that the mentally or physically handicapped people have to face in today’s society?
3.- Do you think the world of the handicapped is changing for the better or for the worse? Explain.
4.- Is it important to integrate handicapped children in ordinary schools from an early age? Why? Why not?
5.- Do you think ordinary students make an emotional profit from sharing their school life with handicapped students? Why? Why not?
6.- Think of an aspect that could be improved in our school in relation to the handicapped.
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?


12.- Safety or privacy?

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

  surveillance cameras    video monitoring    devices to spy     protection  
  crime prevention          privacy rights          privacy intrusion

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What are the benefits of video surveillance systems in schools?
3.- What are the disadvantages?
4.- In what places do you think the use of cameras or other surveillance systems is most necessary?
5.- Do you think the use of cameras is an attempt against people’s privacy? Explain.
6.- Do surveillance systems actually discourage people from  misbehaving, committing crimes,...? Explain.
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

13.- Saint George's day
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box: 
lovers’ day    patron saint    rose stall   bookstall   street vendors  
crowd / crowded      publishers      writers        blockbuster

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What is the origin of this festivity?
3.- Find out where else it is celebrated and the significance it has in those places.
4.- Do you usually buy books or roses on that day? Why? Why not?
5.- In what way  is it different from  Valentine’s Day?
6.- Which writers died on that day? Who were they and what did they write?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

14.- New technologies

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

 technology devices   computer  laptop   PDA     MP3    Ipod   Ipad    mobile phone
 e-book     interactive  whiteboard   science  medicine  education    communication

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- In what way are new technologies important in the students’ world?
3.- What are the advantages of new technologies?
4.- What are the negative aspects of new technologies?
5.- Do new technologies foster interaction at all levels (games, education,...)? Explain
6.- What technology devices are most necessary for youngsters at present?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

15.- Art

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

visual arts   painting   graffiti  design  sculpture  architecture  literature   music   opera drama    dancing   film-making   aesthetics    beauty   ancient   modern   genre   style

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What comes to mind when you think of art in general?
3.- What is the function, the purpose of art?
4.- Should art be useful? Explain.
5.- Do you think some types of art are more important than others?  Why? Why not?
6 .- Art is also business and sometimes it means a lot of money. Discuss.
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

16.- Idols
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

celebrity  teenager   singer  fan actor/actress   sportsman  sportswoman   fiction character   imitate   influence    role model    look up to    celebrity   worship   idolize    obsessive

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- When did the idea of idol or teen idol appear?
3.- Why is it common for teenagers to have idols?
4.- What do young people look for in idols?
5.- In what ways can idols be a good or a bad influence on teenagers?
6.- When can worshipping idols become dangerous?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

17.- Violence

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

school bullying       cyber bullying       aggression       domestic violence    sexual harassment  abuse      homicide       terrorism      death penalty / capital punishment      life sentence    

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Generally speaking, why do people act violently?
3.- Violence has become so common that we are used to it. Do you agree?
4.- What should be done to fight everyday violence (at home, at school, at work)?
5.- Do you think that the laws against violence are severe enough? In what cases would you make changes?
6.- What kind of violent actions should be most severely punished? What should the punishment be?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

18.- Regulations and prohibitions
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

Punishment allow forbid penalty law regulate authority fine unlawful act/act against the law

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Do you think regulations are needed in a society? Why?
3.- What type of regulations are the basic ones needed to organise a group of people?
4.- What could happen if there werthose regulations?
5.- Who should be in charge of creating and implementing those no regulations?
6.- What should happen if somebody acted against those regulations?
7.-The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

19.- Transport
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Commute fare pollution traffic jam rush hour petrol renewable/sustainable energy

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- How do students normally come to school?
3.- What aret he advantages of public transport in relation to:
a) environment
b) health
c) traffic congestion
d) economy
4.- What should be done to promote the use of the public transport system in your area?
5.- What should be done to improve the use of the public transport system in your area?
6.- What do you know about fuel obtained from different types of vegetables?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

20.- Heritage
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

Preservation value architecture literature customs and traditions legacy UNESCO World Culture Heritage

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What does “cultural heritage” mean? Give us a definition in your words.
3.- What elements can be considered part of it?
4.- Why is it important to preserve them?
5.- How can they be preserved?
6.- What type of regulations should protect them?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

21.- Women as sex objects
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Discrimination      abuse       wages        promotion     TV commercials/advertisements      inequality/equality        leadership        gender gap      sexual harassment

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What are “gender relations”?
3.- What are the traditional roles of men and women?
4.- Do you think men and women are treated equally in our society in relation to?
a) studies
b) work
c) power
d) morality
5.- What is the image of women in publicity like?    
6.- What tyope of measure can be taken by the authorities?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

22.- Renewable energy

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Wind power            nuclear power stations            electricity          petrol         environment            solar panels         renewable/sustainable enery         green house effect    biodiversity         car/carbon dioxide emissions       pollution

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What are “renewable energy sources”?
3.- What are the benefits in relation to:
a) environment?
b) economy?
c) development?
4.- What type of measures could be taken to promote their use?
5.- What can we do to reduce our dependence of petrol?
6.- How do you imagine the situation in the future?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

23.- Living together and tolerance

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

Discrimination         social differences       ethnical groups      different creeds       immigration      newcomers          equality       law reforms       tolerance       ghetto       separation           social exclusion/inclusion

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?

2.- How has our sociatey changes in the last 15 years? Ask family and friends and tell us about it?

3.- Where do most immigrants come from? Do they adapt to our society?

4.- What does “living together” imply?

5.- What type of problems are there?

6.- What type of measures should be taken?

7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

24.- Saving energy
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Sustainable energy           expenses        energy control       thermometer      windmill       waterfalls              renewable sources of energy    

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Our society has a problem. We consume too much energy. Explain how
3.- What are the disadvantage of this situation?
4.- What measures can the government take to reduce this excesive use?
5.- Do you think we waste anergy?
6.- What can you do to save energy?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

25.- The Chemical industry
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:  
Pollution          dangerous substances            cancer/serious illness           employment       acids       chemical substances             elements chart        risks           emergency plan         safety measures         dangerous substances

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Is he chemichal industry important in your area? Why?
3.- What are the advantages it brings to the area?
4.- Are there any disadvantages in relation to:
a) Health?
b) Environment?
5.- Are you aware of the safety measures in case of an accident?
6.- Do you think the regulations are strict enough? Why?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

26.- Ideologies
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Politics         tolerance          ideology          influence          political parties             extremism        dictatorship         political regime         constitution        revolution            elections        left wing          right wing               bipartidism

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What do you know about the political system in our country?
3.- What is the difference with a country like China?
4.- What do left and right mean in politics?
5.- Have you heard about the 15th-May movement? What do you know about them?
6.- Do you believe that all ideologies should be allowed or are there some whcih should be banned? Why?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

27.- The importance of history
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Legacy         social memory        monarchy               republic                 progress      revolution   manipulation         rulers           democracy          war           historic blunder        crisis      evolution

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Do you learn history at school? Doyou find it interesting? Why?
3.- Do you think it is important to learn about past events?
4.- Which is your favourite period in history?
5.- What historical event would you have liked to take part in?
6.- Who is your favourite historic character?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

28.- Learning languages

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Language acquisition          the four skills        communication              social/work opportunities         tuition        new technologies          language laboratory              travelling         

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- What languages  can you speak? What languages do you learn at school?
3.- Why is it important to learn foreign languages?
4.- Which are the most important foreign languages, in your opinion? Why?
5.- What is the most important part of learning a language?
6.- How important are the new technologies in learning a language?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?
29 - Education
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Equal opportunities       state/private schools       single-sex education         integration       education system            subjects          teaching methods

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Can you describe the Catalan school system?
3.- What is the difference between state and private schools?
4.- Do you think girls do better at school than boys? Why?
5.- Which do you think is a better option mixed schooling or single-sex education?
6.- Apart from regular subjects, what other things do you learn at school?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

Picture 30 - Religion
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Aconfesional state            freedom of cult      creeds         tolerance        discrimination       fanatism      believer           layman/laypeople      priest       nun      monk     the Pope

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Do you think this symbol represents all the students in this school? Why?
3.- How many different religions are represented in our school?
4.- Do you think all religions are given the same importance? Why? Can this be a cause for confrontation?
5.- Do you think religion is important in our society? Why?
6.- Do you think that religion should be taught at school? Why?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?
Picture 31 - Sports
Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box: 
Fitness           good/bad shape         strength        football grounds       equipment        goal lines    goal keeper        basketball coarts           training        coach      PE        balanced diet          exhausting      physical conditions  

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- How importat is sport in your life?
3.- What advantages does it offer in relation to your health?
4.- What recommendations would to give to people who want to be in good shape?
5.- What do you think about extreme sports?
6.- Do you think chess can be considered a sport?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

Picture 32 - Fashion Crazy

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:

Fashion victim        trend/trendy       eating disorders     underweight     catwalk    starve skinny/bony         fashion designers             style            models           bulimia          anorexia        healthy habits

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Do you know anything especial about it? Who painted it or why is it hanging on one of the school’s walls?
3.- Why have you chosen this picture in particular?
4.- What can you see in it? Describe the picture in detail.
5.- Create your own hypotheses. Who is the girl in the picture?
6.- What is she doing and why?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

Picture 33 - Publicity

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Promotional campaign          influence         sales     bargains        TV commercials/advertisement

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- How does publicity influence us?
3.- Why do you think there is so much publicity on the media?
4.- Do you think publicity tells lies?
5.- How can publicity creators make the products more attractive?
6.- Do you think you buy more because of publicity’s influence?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?

Picture 34 - Healthy habits, a balanced diet

Look carefully at the picture below and answer orally the following questions. To do so, you can use the vocabulary in the box:
Balanced diet         overeating          over/underweight             dieting        pills and drugs               self-image                     first impressions                  obesity                health risk         eating disorders

1.- Introduce the picture to your audience. Tell us about its history. Where can we find the object photograph in it?
2.- Describe what you think is a balanced diet?
3.- Do you think your diet is balanced? Why?
4.- What habits do you consider unhealthy?
5.- What are “eating disorders”?
6.- Why is obesity a health risk?
7.- The title of the picture. What connection is there, in your opinion, between it and the photograph?